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1. Luski and D. Levhari, "Monopoly Regulation, Waiting Lines and Investment in Service Capacity," in Natural Resources, Uncertainty, Dynamics and Trade, (A.S. Blinder and P. Friedman, eds.). N.Y. Academic Press, 1977, pp. 209-218.
2. P. Zusman, H. Hochman and I. Luski, "The Demand for Energy," in Economic Studies 1977, (N. Halevy and Y. Kopp, eds.). The Israeli Economic Association, Jerusalem, 1977, pp. 172-187.
3. I. Luski and J. Weinblatt, "Forecasting Productivity Trends," in Dynamic Modeling & Control of National Economies, (B. Martos, L.F. Pau and M. Ziermann, eds.). Pergamon Press, 1987, (20 pages).
4. J. Weinblatt and I. Luski, "The Distribution of Wages in the Israeli Manufacturing Sector and Minimum Wage Rate Policies," in Resource Allocation for Social Services 1986-1987, (Y. Kopp, ed.). The Center for Social Policy Studies in Israel, Jerusalem, 1987, pp. 177-217.
5. I. Luski, "The Evolution of Technical and Market Structures in the United Kingdom: Comment," in Evolving Technology and Market Structures, (M. Perelman and A. Heertje, eds.). University of Michigan Press, 1990 (4 pages).
6. D. Levhari and I. Luski, "On Optimal Policy of Marketing High-Tech Products" in New Technologies in Business and Economics, (S. Vassiliadis, ed.). University Studio Press, Thessaloniki, 1995, pp. 39-45.
7. * I. Luski and J. Givon, "Efficiency and Quality in Nursing Homes: Non-profit Organizations vs. For-profit Firms", in Resource Allocation for Social Services 2005, (Y. Kopp, ed.). Taub Center for Social Policy Studies in Israel, Jerusalem, 2005, pp. 301-334.
D. Levhari, N. Livitan and I. Luski, "The Social Discount Rate, Consumption and Capital," Quarterly Journal of Economics, 1974 (Vol. 88, No. 1) pp. 1188-1202.
2. I. Luski and R. Lusky, "On External Diseconomies in Consumption and Monopoly Pricing," Econometrica, 1975, pp. 223-229.
3. I. Luski, "On Partial Equilibrium in a Queuing System with Two Seviers," The Review of Economic Studies, 1976, pp. 519-525.
4. D. Levhari and I. Luski, "Duopoly Pricing and Waiting Lines," European Economic Review, 11, (1978), pp. 17-35.
5. J. Weinblatt and I. Luski, "The Industrial Development in the Negev: Analysis and Applications," The Economic Quarterly, 1986 (Hebrew), pp. 522-533.
6. U. Zohar and I. Luski, "On the Measurement of the Slowdown in Total Factor Productivity," Applied Economics, Vol. 19 (Sept. 1987) pp. 1211-1219.
7. O. Hochman and I. Luski, "Advertising and Economic Welfare: Comment," American Economic Review, March 1988, pp. 290-297.
8. I. Luski and J. Weinblatt: "Productivity in the Israeli Industry, Trends and Factors," Issues in Economics, 1986, Annals of the Israeli Economic Association, Jerusalem, 1988, pp. 187-203. (in Hebrew)
9. I. Luski and J. Weinblatt, "The Effects of Capacity Utilization and the Adoption of New Technology on Industrial Productivity," Modeling and Simulation, Vol. 19, 1988, pp. 425-435.
10. I. Luski, "The Law of Minimum Wages and the Israeli Industry," The Economic Quarterly, Vol. 40, No. 141, 1989 (in Hebrew) pp. 174-176.
11. Luski, I. and J. Weinblatt: "Inter-Industry Wage Differentials in the Israeli Manufacturing Sector," Issues in Economics, Annals of the Israeli Economic Association, Jerusalem 1989, pp. 191-205. (in Hebrew)
12. I. Luski and J. Weinblatt, "The Effect of the Implementation of Minimum Wages on Costs of Production: A Simulation," Modeling and Simulation, Vol. 20, 1989, pp. 43-50.
13. I. Luski, "The Impact of High-Tech Multinational Enterprise on the Host Country: A Simulation," Modeling and Simulation, Vol. 21, 1990, pp. 453-460.
14. I. Luski, "Firms in Financial Difficulties, An Economic Analysis and Simulation," Modeling and Simulation, Vol. 22, 1991.
15. I. Luski and J. Weinblatt, "Concentration and the Inter-Industry Wage Structure: The Israeli Manufacturing Sector," Applied Economics, Vol. 26, 1994, pp. 121-127.
16. I. Luski and D. Wettstein, "The Provision of Public Goods via Advertising: Existence of Equilibria and Welfare Analysis," Journal of Public Economics, Vol. 54, 1994, pp. 309-321.
17. J. Weinblatt and I. Luski, "Macro Economic Analysis of the West Bank and Gaza Strip," Economic Quarterly, Vol. 41, Dec. 1994, pp. 692-711.
18. *I. Luski and J. Weinblatt, "The Effect of Minimum Wage on Employment and Wages in Israeli Industry." International Journal of Social Economics, Vol. 24(4), 1997, pp. 408-416.
19. *I. Luski and J. Weinblatt, "The Gaza Strip and the West Bank: The Transition Toward Economic Independence." The Journal of Management Sciences & Regional Development, Vol. 1, No. 1 January 1998, pp. 67-93.
20. *I. Luski and J. Weinblatt, “A Dynamic Analysis of Fiscal Pressure and Demographic Transition”, Applied Economics, 1998, 30, 1431-1442.
21. *T. Kaplan, I. Luski, A. Sela and D. Wettstein, “All-Pay Auctions with Variable Rewards”, the Journal of Industrial Economics, 2002, Vol. L, 417-430.
22. *T. Kaplan, I. Luski, and D. Wettstein, “Innovative activity and sunk cost”, International Journal of Industrial Organization, Volume 21, Issue 8, October 2003, Pages 1111-1133.
23. *T. Kaplan, I. Luski, and D. Wettstein, "Government policy towards multi-national corporations", Economics Bulletin, 2003, Pages 1-8.
24. *I. Luski, and D. Wettstein, "An Optimal Patent Policy in a Dynamic Model of Innovation", Problems and Perspectives in Management, Vol. 1/2004 (May 2004), Pages 31-43.
25. *I. Luski, "Government Grants to Non-Profit Organizations: An Econometric Analysis", The Economic Quarterly, March 2005, (557-583) (Hebrew).
26. *I. Luski and Y. Givon, "Efficiency and Quality in the Nursing Home Industry: A DEA Approach", The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, Vol. 2, 2007.
27. *Rosenboim, M., I. Luski and T. Shavit. "Behavioral approaches to optimal FDI incentives". Journal of Managerial and Decision Economics, 2008, 601-607.
28. * I. Luski and M. Malul, "Minimum wage for the young people and Negative income tax for the older people", The Economic Quarterly, June 2008, (249-265) (Hebrew).
29. * I. Luski and M. Rosenboim, “Optimal policy for FDI incentives: An auction theory approach”, European Research Studies Journal, Vol. XII, issue (3) 2009.
30. * Luski, Israel and Miki Malul, (2009) "The Optimal Policy Combination of the Minimum Wage and the Earned Income Tax Credit," The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy: Vol. 9 : Iss. 1 (Contributions), Article 51.
31. *I. Luski and Y. Givon, "Green NPOs: An Economic Analysis", The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, Volume 5, Issue 8, pp.493-500, 2010.